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Avengers Assemble! Leaked Promo Art Confirms The Roster For Avengers 4

Hello nerds!

Ever since the “Snap Heard Round The Universe”, I've spent an obscene amount of time wondering what would happen in Avengers 4. Finally, after months of waiting, something from the film has surfaced online that may shed some light on what we can expect to see. Truth be told, it's fucking brilliant. If it's real. Salt at the ready friends, but something tells me this is legitimate.

The leaked promo art shows the remnants of the original Avengers: Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk (Sporting a supersuit of his own), Black Widow (who went Red again) and Ronan aka The Archer Formerly Known As Hawkeye. But wait, there's more!

New members to the squad are a heavily-upgraded and dope ass looking War Machine, Ant-Man and the Guardians leftovers: Nebula & Rocket Raccoon. Oh, and Captain Marvel is here to save the Avengers

Admittedly, it's pretty great to see Captain Marvel assemble with the Avengers. She's the muscle they need to kick every purple inch of The Mad Titan's ass.

Speaking of, Thanos seems to have remembered what a suit of armour is. Plus, he's once again wielding a damage-free Infinity Gauntlet and a big, fuck off sword. Not intimidating in the least. 

I can't believe we get to see Thanos taking on that team. Well, that team plus the myriad of the heroes who will be returning. From the grave or otherwise.

The still-untitled Avengers 4 hits theaters on May 3, 2019.