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Bialystock & Bloom Must Be Running DC Films. Leto-Joker Is Getting His Own Movie

Hello nerds!

It's been revealed that Jared Leto's "unique" take on the Joker is getting a spinoff of his very own. Bonus, Leto will pull double duty on this one as both star and executive producer.

Leto debuted as the Clown Prince of Crime in 2016's Suicide Squad and was largely panned for his hacky interpretation of Batman's greatest villain. From the look, to the voice, to the overall feel, Leto failed on every level as the Joker; both critically and financially. Naturally, Warner Bros. made the decision to make a standalone film for one of the worst comic-to-film adaptations of all-time. Plus, rumor has it Mr. J will be appearing in the Harley Quinn-centric Gotham City Sirens. We just can't seem to get rid of this guy. 

By number of appearances in films alone, this will make Jared Leto the longest running big-screen Joker to date. It's hard to believe WB/DC is making films like this, while Marvel is giving us Black Panther and Infinity War. We live in great times; terrible, yes, but great. Great if you're a Marvel fan. For DC fans, this news is anything but "great". 

Also, keep in mind this isn't the only Joker origin movie that's being made. The DCEU-adjacent Joker origin story starring Joaquin Phoenix, being directed by Todd Phillips and produced by Martin Scorsese is still in development. And honestly, I have zero issue with non-canon, spinoff movies. Especially, when they involve the talent the Phoenix-Joker film has. There's a wealth of material that's vastly being ignored because it might not "tie-In" to a connected universe that's being ignored. Which is a bit of a waste.

Some of these "standalone" arcs are fucking brilliant and while they aren't canon, they do allow for the freedom to play with the characters and the worlds they live in. If done right, these stories could translate into amazing movies. Having said that, WB/DC is in no place to begin work on a non-connected universe, without having properly sorted the connected universe out first. 

The "Damaged" Joker movie heads into production sometime next year.