Lights. Camera. Hack-tion! Filming Has Begun On The Halloween Reboot

Lights. Camera. Hack-tion! Filming Has Begun On The Halloween Reboot

Hello nerds!

The OG Laurie Strode, aka the ever-stunning Jamie Lee Curtis, took to Twitter to share a photo of herself and director David Gordon Green to announce they've started filming on the Halloween reboot. Well, the latest Halloween "reboot". I say "reboot" since this movie is a soft reboot of sorts, because it's actually a direct sequel to the original 1978 film.

Halloween has stood the test of time by showing up in theaters every few years, even if some of the films were dogshit. I'm excited to see exactly what the creative team of Danny McBride and David Gordon Green can do with the franchise. Besides, could it really be any worse than Halloween 3, Halloween 4,  Halloween 5, Halloween 6, Halloween 8 and the divisive Rob Zombie Halloween movies? Probably not. Plus, having John Carpenter give his blessing of the film and  doing the music doesn't hurt. Let's hope they give us the Michael Myers movie we all want to see and not more of the same dreck that's been farted out for over the past 3 decades.

For pudding, courtesy of a leaked photo we've got our first glimpse at Michael Myers. Even if the pic is blurry as shit and appears to have been taken from a distance. Interestingly, in keeping with bringing back the original Laurie Strode, Haddonfield's worst nightmare will be played the first man to don the face of "The Shat", Nick Castle.

The blue lights! The Shape! The music! We could be in for one scary ass autumn when Halloween slices and dices its way into theaters on October 19.

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