Someone got a big boy haircut. Checkout Thor's new do for Ragnarok and plot details are revealed!
Good morrow nerds! We already had an idea that Thor would be sporting a new look in Thor: Ragnarok, but I'm not quite sure we expected this. Thanks to Entertainment Weekly, we've got a batch of photos from Thor: Ragnarok and a more than generous plot synopsis. All I can say is that director Taika Waititi is going to take us on one hell of a fun ride. Do read on, won't you?
“When we last saw Thor, he was flying off to figure out who was manipulating the Avengers at the end of Age of Ultron. Eventually, he hears rumblings of trouble in Asgard: His evil brother, Loki (Tom Hiddleston), has been impersonating their missing father, Odin (Anthony Hopkins). Loki’s rather lax governing leads to the reemergence of an imprisoned Hela (Cate Blanchett). Thor’s initial encounter with Hela gets him blasted to Sakaar, a barbaric planet ruled by the charming but nefarious Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum). Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), a tough, hard-drinking warrior hiding out on Sakaar brings the god to the Grandmaster.
Thor is then forced into becoming a gladiator, which leads to his haircut and the loss of his trusty hammer.
Sakaar’s most popular and successful gladiator? Bruce Banner, a.k.a. the Hulk. Once Thor and Hulk unite, Ragnarok becomes a sort of road-trip film.”
I don't know how to tell you this, so I'll just come straight out and say it. Thor's luscious locks and Mjolnir are long gone. Breathe... What's replacing them you ask? Well, Thor's rocking a super-hip haircut and two intense looking swords. Also, Thor's sporting some armor that's a bit more gladiatorial. Plus, we get a look at Valkyrie and Hela and yes. They're amazing!
Plus, Mark Ruffalo teased that as a result of his success in the arena, the Hulk might have developed a personality big enough to match his muscles. Who's ready for a full-fledged talking Hulk in the MCU?
“He’s much more of a character than the green rage machine you’ve seen in the Avengers movies. He’s got a swagger. He’s like a god.”
And let's not forget about Doctor Strange's involvement in Ragnarok. Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige didn't spill any details, but did confirm that Thor meeting the good Doctor will likely be the only time we spend on Earth.
“There’s not a whole lot that takes place on Earth in this film, and that’s one of the things that does.”
Lastly, we got confirmation of what we already assumed with the news that Thor: Ragnarok sets the stage for Avengers: Infinity War. So there you have it. Pretty exciting stuff right? It's looking like MCU Phase 3 will be the best yet!
For pudding, here's the best picture that EW released. It's the incomparable Jeff Goldblum as the Grandmaster. So rad. So very rad.