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Trailers! Trailers are here right now!

First up, we've got The Dark Tower starring two of our favorites, Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey. The Dark Tower is loosely based on the eight novel series, The Dark Tower, by Stephen King. It looks pretty badass from the trailer and with a TV series starring Elba to follow, it should be worth seeing the film. 

Staying in the realm of horror master Stephen King, here's an even more in-depth look at the movie that will be having me crap my pants over clowns again, The IT. On a personal note, Tim Curry's original take is the reason I feared clowns as a child. So, it's nice of Stephen and company to drag those back out now that I'm an "adult". 

Next, the newest addition to the X-Men Universe, by way of a TV show, Fox's The Gifted and it's directed by Bryan Singer. I don't know about you, but I'm not even going to try and guess what timeline this falls into. It's likely this show takes place in his latest version of the XMU, setup by Days of Future Past. 

For pudding we've got The Rock, in the newest TV show being remade into a movie, Baywatch. I'd just like to point out that we were the first ones to call for Dwayne Johnson to run for President in 2020, back in November 2016. We're glad he finally listened to the podcast.

Save us Rock.