Who's Hungry? Hannibal Season 4 could still happen!
Hello nerds!
Like me, have you been pining away for the days of HanniGram? Well, we might be in luck if Hannibal showrunner Bryan Fuller has anything to say about it.
As creator, executive producer and sometimes writer of the fucking fantastic American Gods and much anticipated Star Trek: Discovery, Fuller is about as busy as can be, but that doesn't mean he's forgotten about the good doctor and company. Fuller was very vocal about wanting Hannibal to continue on in a new season or even a film, after the show's abrupt "cancellation" by NBC, but he hasn't really approached the subject in some time. Until now anyhow.
In an interview with director Mick Garris, Fuller detailed an idea he has for Hannibal to return with Mads Mikkelsen as Hannibal Lecter and Hugh Dancy as Will Graham, who are both onboard. Yay! More yay is that Martha De Laurentiis is excited for the possibility as well. All the elements could be coming together for something deliciously dark and twisted.
“I have conversations with (Hannibal executive producer) Martha De Laurentiis, I have conversations with Mads and Hugh. We’re are all excited about the prospect of returning to the story. There’s some hurdles to get through… [But] I just had a great idea for season 4. There’s an interesting next chapter in the relationship between Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter that would be fascinating to unpack. I’ve shared it with the gentlemen and they’re both keen on it.”
Oh shit! Anyone care to wager a guess as to where the story could go? Because I think I've got some idea. Fuller had previously stated he would love to incorporate elements of Silence of the Lambs into the story. The problem, besides the show being cancelled, was Fuller couldn't use Clarice and Buffalo Bill because they didn't own the rights to them. Well, as luck would have it the rights for those characters are set to revert back in August. So, we'd have Hannibal, Will, Clarice, Jack Crawford and Buffalo Bill all under one roof. And since I can't imagine that Fuller will take the show back to NBC, let's fantasize that Hannibal will end up on a network that seems more than happy with Bryan Fuller...Starz.
Can you imagine Hannibal joining the ranks of the fantastic shows on Starz? Think about it. Arguably, Starz is putting out some of the most entertaining shows on TV of the past few years. Spartacus, American Gods, Power, Black Sails, Torchwood: Miracle Day and Ash vs Evil Dead. So, giving Fuller free reign to take the "training wheels" off of Hannibal is an inviting prospect for any fan of the show. Bigger budget, more gore, swearing, more gore. Let's get this fucker filming already!
Here's hoping Fuller finally gets his chance to work with Lee Pace, as I cannot think of a more perfect person to play Buffalo Bill. All respect to Ted Levine.