Nuke' Em, Cena. John Cena To Star In Duke Nukem Movie
Hello nerds!
John Cena is so hot right now. The affable hulk is really giving Hollywood a go the last few years and if his schedule is any indication, he's only getting started.
While speaking to Cinemablend, producer Andrew Form has confirmed the wrestling-actor is currently attached to play the titular role in the film adaption of Duke Nukem. And by all indications, Duke's big screen debut will be modeled after the crown jewel of R-Rated superhero comedies, Deadpool.
“We are working on Duke Nukem right now. It’s going to be about tone. That’s about tone. How do you nail that tone in the way that Deadpool nailed the tone? I think we have to do that and if we don’t get the tone right then we’re not going to make the movie.”
Sounds like the tone one would expect from a movie about a video game character who likes to talk about blowing shit up, just as much as he blows show up. Which is a lot. The challenge will be updating Duke's particular brand of sexist and un-PC humor for today's audience. Duke's jokes were about as bad as the 90s had to offer and Form seems well aware of the need to update the humor, but not lose "Duke" in the process.
“You know that having a misogynistic guy in today’s world, how do you make that fun and lovable and at the same time he’s got to be an incredible badass, so those are the things that we’re struggling with and we’re going to try and come out with what I hope is a really fun ride. That’s the goal, is for it to be a really fun ride.”
While it's encouraging Form appears keenly aware of the obstacles that lie ahead and how to deal with them, these sentiments echo similar ones he made about other movies he's produced. Which is unfortunate for those whom want to see this movie be made and made well. Form's track record boasts a healthy serving of horseshit, as does that of his producing partner Brad Fuller.
These guys have been partly responsible for such turd nuggets as the remakes of Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies. So this adaptation is already off to a bit of a rocky start. And did you notice the language he used to describe Cena's involvement seemed to float the idea the star could walk away at anytime.
I think this all adds up to the movie not happening, which might not be the worst thing. After all, how many great video game into movie adaptations are there? Outside of 1994's Street Fighter that is. Much respect to JCVD.