Maybe It Stands For "Disconnected Continuity". The Films Of DC To Be Their Own Things?
Hello nerds!
In a bit of unsurprising news, it's been announced that after the Justice League, the focus will no longer be building a shared universe for the DC Comics films. The phrase, "No shit." comes barreling to the forefront of my mind.
During an interview with Vulture, DC Entertainment president, Diane Nelson and chief creative officer, Geoff Johns, say that while the continuity of a shared universe won't be the focus of the films going forward, they're going to try keep things from not making sense. Because we all know just how sensical the DC films have been up until now. Diane Nelson shed some light on this decision.
“Our intention, certainly, moving forward is using the continuity to help make sure nothing is diverging in a way that doesn’t make sense, but there’s no insistence upon an overall story line or interconnectivity in that universe.”
Geoff Johns then tried to clarify a bit.
“Some of the movies do connect the characters together, like Justice League. But, like with Aquaman, our goal is not to connect Aquaman to every movie.”
Seems OK. Johns' words aren't really all that out of whack as far as the shared universe is concerned. And then in true WB/DC fashion, Nelson followed up with some confusing words of reassurance.
“Moving forward, you’ll see the DC movie universe being a universe, but one that comes from the heart of the filmmaker who’s creating them.”
Which "universe" are they talking about? Presumably, it's the Justice League universe, but who really knows? Maybe they're talking about the universe with all the standalone movies. What it really sounds like is going on is Warner Bros. is giving the fuck up on a shared universe, because that shit is hard.
Not one person there seems to have a clue as to how to fix the colossal fuck up the vast majority the films of the DC shared universe have been, so if you think about it, ignoring the continuity is the best option. Maybe for all of us. Given the shitshow this is turning into, I cannot fucking wait to see the film we kind of expected would be the "reset" button. Flashpoint.
I mean really, if continuity and a shared universe is out of the window, then we're super close to seeing Jeffrey Dean Morgan return as Thomas Wayne. If we get Negan as Murder Batman on the big screen, I could give 2 shits what movies it shares a universe with. But do we dare to dream bigger? What about Batman Beyond with Michael "Mothereffing" Keaton returning as Bruce Wayne?
Maybe this shitshow won't be so shitty after all.