Say What? Charles Bronson Doppelgänger Stars In Death Kiss
Hello nerds!
Fresh from today's batch of weird, may I present to you the trailer for an upcoming action film called Death Kiss. The reason this film falls under the "weird as fuck" category, is the star of the film looks EXACTLY like Charles Bronson; if he lived "that gym life, bro!".
Since the Eli Roth stinker of a remake, Death Wish, starring "Sleepy" Bruce Willis failed to scratch the vigilante itch, Death Kiss just might get it. Writer/Director Rene Perez has seemingly made an "unofficial" sequel to 1974's Death Wish starring the late Charles Bronson, with a lead actor by the name of Robert 'Bronzi' Kovacs. Bronzi, or Mr. Kovacs if you're nasty, is/was a Bronson impersonator, who looks to be making a go of an acting career and cashing in on his resemblance to the Death Wish star.
Prepare yourselves, because the trailer honestly makes me want to see this film. Bonus points if you can name which Baldwin is in the movie on the first try.
“Death Kiss concerns a vigilante with a mysterious past who goes to a crime-infested city and takes the law into his own hands.”
Right? Looks pretty damn good. However, I doubt this movie would look half as good as it does, if it weren't for Bronzi. Perez made a deftly brilliant move by casting him as the "vigilante".
Sadly, there's no official release date for Death Kiss, but we could see the film release at some point this year.