At Least The Sharks Aren't Two-Headed. Here's The Trailer For 47 Meters Down: Uncaged

At Least The Sharks Aren't Two-Headed. Here's The Trailer For 47 Meters Down: Uncaged

Hello nerds!

If you’re like me, then you’ve got a profound and unexplainable affinity for shak movies. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of shark movies throughout history have been terrible. From sharks with two-heads to those that live in the snow, almost each and every shark movie that came out after 1975’s Jaws has been terrible.

However, there has been the occasional pleasant surprise with such gems like Deep Blue Sea (Yes, it is), The Shallows, and 47 Meters down are the most recent examples of what one would refer to as a “good shark movie”. As it so happens, the latter has spawned a sequel, and from the looks of the trailer, the sequel might not be terrible.

The trailer for 47 Meters Down: Uncaged looks to amp up the utter fear and anxiety-inducing elements from the first movie, by taking the franchise from the murky depths of the open ocean, to a confining and terrifying underwater labyrinth of caves. Plus, the requisite man-eating sharks in this one look more horrifying than the already not scary-looking Great White shark.

47 Meters Down: Uncaged splashes into theaters on August 16, 2019.

The film follows the story of four teen girls diving in a ruined underwater city, who quickly find themselves in a watery hell as their fun outing turns into heart-stopping fear when they learn they are not alone in the submerged caves. As they swim deeper into the claustrophobic labyrinth of caves they enter the territory of the deadliest shark species in the ocean.

If you love wizards, horror movies, bad TV, superheroes, and the 80s, check out the podcast.

There's a lot to look forward to in Phase 4 & Phase 5 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Michael Myers returns in two new movies, the flawed logic of Schwarzenegger's Commando, and a beloved 80s sitcom has a thoroughly unexciting first season. #BoredToCheers

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