Seashells At The Ready! Sylvester Stallone Confirms Demolition Man 2 Is Happening
Hello nerds!
Have you been pining away for a sequel to the 1993 sci-fi action classic Demolition Man? Well, according to the film’s star, Sylvester Stallone, you’re wait could end in the near future. Seriously.
During an Instagram Live Q&A, the man they call ”Rocky”, revealed Demotion Man 2 is surprisingly in development at Warner Bros.
“We’re working on it right now with Warner Bros. and it’s looking fantastic. So that should come out, that’s going to happen.”
I’m a huge fan of Sylvester Stallone’s, having seen nearly everything he’s been in, more than once. And while I never expected to see a sequel to the first Demolition Man, now that I’m thinking about it, I am curious to see how things in San Angeles turned out after the first movie ended.
If you’ve yet to witness the immortal classic that was Demolition Man, it starred Sylvester Stallone as John Spartan, one of L.A.’s toughest cops and his arch nemesis Simon Phoenix, played by Wesley Snipes. Following their most destructive battle, both men are placed into a cryogenic prison, only to be defrosted almost 40 years later into a world neither of them understand. And whether the pacifistic people of the future like it or not, it’s up to John Spartan and his new partner, Lenina Huxley, to take Simon Phoenix down for good.
Given how the first one ended, it’s highly unlikely Wesley Snipes is in the sequel (spoilers). But, I’m almost certain we’ll see Sandra Bullock back as Lenina Huxley. And it’s likely we’ll also see Benjamin Bratt, Dennis Leary, and Rob Schneider return as well. Yes, the future has Rob Schneider.
No word yet on a possible release date for Demolition Man 2.
Until then, maybe Sly can put some more work in on the passion project he’s writing with an eye to direct; a biopic about gothic poet, Edgar Allan Poe.
If you love wizards, horror movies, bad TV, superheroes, and the 80s, please enjoy the podcast.
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