Star Wars:Game Of Thrones Style
Hello nerds!
If the rumors are to be believed, the film series Game of Thrones creators, David Benioff and D.B. Wiess new Star Wars series are working on will be right in their wheelhouse. That is, the wheelhouse of old timey knights, magic, giant battles, and shit.
Per Star Wars News Net, Benioff & Weiss' trilogy will in fact take place a few hundred years before young Anakin Skywalker was podracing. Yes friends, it seems the guys responsible for one of the best TV shows ever, will be making a Star Wars trilogy set in the Old Republic.
“…it is the Game of Thrones guys’ first movie, and it is set during the Old Republic, as Disney wants to open up the Star Wars timeline and appeal to a more ‘Game of Thrones‘ style audience....Filming starts in the Fall and art departments are in design phases now as the script is being finalized.”
It's as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in jubilance, and suddenly they were silenced when they realized that until this is confirmed, it’s very much a rumor. Albeit, an absolutely fucking brilliant one.
Now that Game of Thrones is wrapping up, it should only be a matter of time before we get some sort of confirmation as to what these new Star Wars films are going to be about. As for me, I really hope it’s true. Who doesn’t want to see ancient Jedi/Sith battles on a giant scale?
Until then, I suppose we’ll have to make do with the forthcoming final chapter to the Skywalker saga, Star Wars:Episode IX.
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